Part of Salford City College Group


An Early years Educator is a highly trained professional who plays a key role in ensuring that young children learn and develop well, and are kept healthy and safe.

You may work in a range of settings including children’s centres, pre-school, reception classes, and as a childminder. You may work alone, or supervise others to deliver Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) requirements set by the government for the learning, development and care of children from birth to five years old.

An Early Years Educator plans and supervises activities, child initiated or adult led, based around the needs and interests of each individual child. You will support children to develop numeracy and language skills through play. You are responsible for key children, and help them feel safe and secure. You observe children, and shape learning to reflect the observations made. You meet the care needs of the individual child, such as feeding, changing nappies and administering medication, work in partnership with other colleagues, parents and/or carers, and other professionals to meet the individual needs of each child.


Elements of learning can be face-to-face tutorials by visit or remote digital means, directed study and research, learning in the workplace via practical demonstration, shadowing, instruction, simulation or by way of courses and reflection.

Assessment methods may include Q&A, work products, observation of practice, witness accounts, recognition of prior learning, and professional discussions.

Mandatory Qualifications

  • Apprentices must successfully complete the Level 3 Award in Paediatric First Aid (RQF) or Level 3 Award in Emergency Paediatric First Aid (RQF) to meet the EYFS requirements

End Point Assessment

The End Point Assessment is synoptic, and takes place at the end of the apprentice’s learning and development. The requirement is that the end point assessment is completed within three months from the start of the end point assessment period.

The end point assessment will consist of:

  • Observation with questioning
  • A professional discussion underpinned by a portfolio of evidence

Entry Requirements

Each organisation will have their own entry requirements, and must be able to provide opportunities to work towards this apprenticeship as part of the job role.

Apprentices aged 16-18 must achieve Level 2 maths and English, prior to End Point Assessment or provide a certificate of prior achievement (GCSE Grade C/4 or above). For Apprentices aged 19+ Level 2 maths and English are optional – to be agreed at the start of programme.

Funding may be available to cover this apprenticeship, please contact us for more information on eligibility.


To add a course to your application, click 'Apply', once you have selected all your courses, click 'My Applications' top right, to continue the application process.

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Academic Yr



Early Years Educator (Apprenticeship Standards)

Available At

Workplace (WPL)

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Academic Year