We offer a wide range of apprenticeships in a variety of industry sectors.
Our expert team will work with you to help find you the best apprenticeship to suit your career aspirations. Our excellent links with businesses across Greater Manchester means that we can help support you in finding a suitable employment.
What is an apprenticeship?
An apprenticeship is a job with training. Apprenticeships are an excellent way of gaining qualifications and workplace experience. As an apprentice, you can earn as you learn and gain practical skills.
Will I get paid?
Apprentices will receive, at a minimum, the national minimum wage. However, in many cases the employer chooses to pay more than this, or after the employee has been with the company for a certain period of time.
What are the benefits of an apprenticeship?
- You will experience new and different challenges
- Your existing skills and knowledge are recognised and can help you gain a qualification faster
- You will get support when you need it
- You will gain skills and knowledge which can be used across a range of jobs and industries
- You will be earning a regular income whilst getting the training you need to further your career
When can I become an apprentice?
As long as you are 16 and have left school, you can enroll at any time throughout the year.
How will I be taught/assessed?
Each apprenticeship is different. Your job role will be your main source of learning. Your manager will be fully consulted about the type of work you will need to carry out and this will form part of your job role assessment. Apprenticeships can consists of workshops, one-to-one support, day release or block release sessions. To find out more detail about our methods of delivery and learning, click here.
What is an end point assessment (EPA)?
When an apprentice reaches gateway, it is the opportunity for the provider and employer to agree whether the apprentice is ready to take their end point assessment. Detailed information on the EPA can be found here.
What are functional skills and why do I need them?
Functional skills are qualifications that have been developed by government to improve English, mathematics, and IT skills. Detailed information on functional skills can be found here.
What is 'off-the-job' training?
All apprentices will need to spend 20% of your time at work completing ‘off-the-job’ training which is relevant to your apprenticeship. Off-the-job training is a learning activity that happens outside of your normal duties. For detailed information about off-the-job training, click here.
What is Smart Assessor?
Smart Assessor is the digital platform we use to monitor an apprentice’s progress. All apprentices will have access to a Smart Assessor account and will be able to upload evidence, journal entries and develop their portfolios ready for assessment. For full detail on Smart Assessor, click here.
There are some fantastic opportunities out there, most employers are looking for apprentices to stay with them long term which is why they are able to invest train and support you from the start.
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Here are some links you might find useful…
If you still can’t find what you’re looking for we’re always happy to help, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
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If you have any questions about our Apprenticeships Guide, please contact our Apprenticeships Recruitment Team on 0161 631 5555 or at apprenticeships@salfordcc.ac.uk